Phasellus non nibh ac nunc
JRS Industrial

Phasellus non nibh ac nunc
Phasellus non nibh ac nunc

Free Delivery

All Orders Over £250


On Selected Items


On Returns Policy


Phasellus non nibh ac nunc

JRS Industrial

Adding Your Logo or Design?

Click here for pricing and a step-by-step video guide

Select Size

Regular price £52.80


in stock

Regular price £52.80


in stock

Regular price £52.80


in stock

Regular price £52.80


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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis molestie tincidunt lorem quis dignissim. Mauris ligula justo, iaculis non nisl sit amet, faucibus mollis nunc. Aliquam condimentum quam gravida dictum condimentum. Ut condimentum, arcu sit amet consequat convallis, tortor eros tempus nunc, ac vulputate sapien lacus sit amet nisi. Ut nec lorem et arcu mollis maximus id nec odio. Proin dictum ante at diam maximus tristique. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Suspendisse neque odio, vehicula non lacus ut, sollicitudin facilisis nisl. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Phasellus convallis scelerisque massa, vel sodales dolor cursus at. Donec feugiat hendrerit mauris, sit amet viverra erat venenatis eu. In gravida nisi turpis, et pharetra arcu posuere vel. Aliquam vehicula consectetur erat, nec gravida magna rutrum sed.

Data Sheet & Size Guide

Customisation & Pricing

Customising your order online has never been easier.

Please click here to view our step by step guide or follow the simple steps below

1. Choose the colour of your garment
2. Select the sizes you require
3. Press the 'add logo' button
4. Select whether you would like embroidery or printing (click here to view more information)
5. Select the positioning you would like your logo added to the garments.
6. Upload your logo or choose a text (we will always send a design proof first)
7. Add to cart & checkout

Embroidery Costs
Small logo (chest or sleeve design) prices per item max stitch count 15,000 (ex. VAT)

1 = £8.00
2-9 = £5.00
10-34 = £4.00
35-99 = £3.50
100-249 = £3.00
250+ = £2.50
500+ Contact Us

Large logo (large front or back design) prices per item max stitch count 30,000 (ex. VAT)

1 = £16.00
2-9 = £12.00
10-34 = £10.00
35-99 = £8.00
100+ Contact Us

Print Costs
Print prices (per item ex VAT)

1 = £8.00
2-9 = £5.00
10-34 = £3.50
35-99 = £2.75
100-249 = £2.00
250+ = £1.80

NOTE: In the unlikely case your logo exceeds the above stitch count, we will notify you of the addtional charge for approval before proceeding.

Product Reviews

Delivery & Returns

Standard Delivery
We offer free tracked delivery on all orders over £250. We aim to deliver your goods within 3-4 working days of receiving your order.

Express Delivery

We offer an express 1-3 day on most items which will be shown at checkout.

Customised Items
For standard embroidery and print delivery the current lead time is 10-15 working days from order.

For express embroidery and print delivery the current lead time is within 7 working days.

A design proof will be sent for approval prior to production.

If you require a faster delivery please contact us and we will do our best to arrange.

Returns are accepted within 14 days of receiving your order. For orders over £500 a restocking fee may apply, please check with our sales team.

Please note we cannot accept returns on customised items unless they are faulty. For more information please see our Terms & Conditions.

Please see here for full returns information